I'm still on track for completing editing and publishing around Valentines. So each week, and on Weekend Writing Warriors and mid-week, I'll be tantalizing readers with blurbs.
Mid-week blurbs will be slightly longer than those on #8Snippet Sunday, but not much longer.
If you read Sunday's snippet, then you'll know we're in chapter 2. I've gone through and found what I hope will give the readers a bit of background on Shelbie and Dagan.
Watch for book 2 cover reveal in the next few weeks.
Mid-week blurbs will be slightly longer than those on #8Snippet Sunday, but not much longer.
If you read Sunday's snippet, then you'll know we're in chapter 2. I've gone through and found what I hope will give the readers a bit of background on Shelbie and Dagan.
The diamond was his and he'd get it back. More importantly, he'd see those
responsible caught and imprisoned. That
is until your plan to surprise your girlfriend at her best friend’s wedding only to learn she
was the criminal.
What the hell was he doing here then?
Shocked, he left without seeing Shelbie. It galled him that he hadn’t
seen her coming. No one would blame him for not knowing. They wouldn’t dare. He rallied at the thought. Just as suddenly it
I know better. Every opponent
was thoroughly investigated, exposing their weaknesses before they ever set
foot inside his office.
He'd been played by a pro. All because of a few lunch dates. He snorted. More like a few dozen. Watch for book 2 cover reveal in the next few weeks.