Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Temptation Tuesday

My day has been so jammed packed that I was thinking of putting off this week's post. But, then I realized I would miss this as much as my readers. 

Then I couldn't think of what to say. This post is to tempt my readers. To make you want more. Of what? I racked my brain until I came up with just one thought. 

Temptation. It's a noun. Yet, the best way to describe it with verbs.  It's an act of tempting someone to do or feel something. It entices, allures. 

We all have things or do things that tempt us. Chocolate is a weakness. My post on petits fours last week hit the mark. I'd been eating healthy during the conference, to ward off an upcoming cold, but one look at those delicate cakes and all willpower went out the window. 

That's what happens to our characters in romance novels. They just can't help themselves. They're sorely tempted to... You can fill in those dots with your own thoughts if you wish. 

But, in romance novels, and those of us who graphically write about love, would explain their feelings of lust and love. 

For me, it all begins with the mouth. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth. Her tongue darted out to wet dry lips. His mouth softened. He brushed his lips against hers. I can go on and on. There is just something about writing about character's mouths in a sensuous manner that heats up the scene. 

So this week, I leave you with a kiss. 



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